
Hai Tarawa Block-4, Juba – South Sudan


Our Mission

To accelerate solutions for an equitable and flourishing society, stable climate, sustainable environmental resources, and recoveries, and fair economies by sharing the love of Jesus Christ, and building a strong foundation of life skills for the neediest at the grassroots level.

Our Vision

A holistically transformed society where people and the environment thrive.


To have a Christ-centred society in which people are forever committed to caring for and valuing one another, and the environment for the long term benefit of humanity.


Guided by needs and South Sudanese humanitarian cluster and sub cluster coordination, CAD has been operating in South Sudan. We apply a hybrid approach of direct and collaborating in consortium operations .

People: Our primary focus is improving the lives of people and communities, fostering a more equitable and sustainable world.
Planet: We are committed to supporting the healthy ecosystems and biodiversity that underpin all thriving communities.
Excellence: We produce work of the highest quality, and our sustainability, inclusion, local and national ownership are backed by community engagement.
Collaboration: We believe diverse partnerships produce better and more resilient outcomes.
Capacity building: We build vulnerable individuals ‘knowledge and confidence to exercise their rights and strengthen the ability of local governmental agencies to protect them.
Open access to information: Christian Agenda for Development (CAD) makes information, tools, resources, and support widely available to villages, communities ‘based committees and groups, and government agencies to push sustainable change.
Amplification of local voices: We strive to increase South Sudanese citizens ‘involvement in policy making by supporting village –level decision-making and advocating for national policy reforms to benefit local communities.
Impact: We aim for creative, bold solutions with significant impact. We create the knowledge to act.

Christian Agenda for Development (CAD) utilizes a Rights-based Approach in its development strategy. This Strategy involves a programmatic shift from an emphasis on direct implementation and service delivery to a focus on building the capacity of Community Based Groups, Community based Organizations, Grassroots Women’s Groups and Activists, Community based faith organizations, Community based Youth’s Groups and Organizations, Community based Committees (self-formed on socio economic matters of concern to grass root communities), and be a facilitator of the process of these groups/organizations own ownership of the development they identify and decide to go for. CAD works directly and with all stakeholders and counterparts at grass root, local, sub national and national levels and other partners and brings lessons from CAD Network and its membership to networking to promote the most appropriate solutions and sharing of distilled knowledge to maximize impact and engender sustainability. In terms of approach, CAD South Sudan has been working closely with the local leaders, youth leaders, women leaders, activists in child protection, education promotion, climate change activists, gender activists, having them become part of our activities that are nurturing and monitoring the development of the communities’ engagement and its empowerment for reconciliation, reintegration and recovery.
This has been crucial to the sustainability of the development work that CAD has facilitated. CAD South Sudan has been particularly effective in working for women empowerment, child protection, education, peacebuilding, WASH, FSL, Climate change action and Communication for Development (Social Behaviour Change) in promoting and engaging communities on integrated positive lifesaving practices in Health, Nutrition, WASH, Education and Child Protection that that can lead to a better well-being of the population, especially the children and their families. Community-based networks, groups, committees, faith-based organizations, community-based organizations include a broad and complex myriad of link forming a crucial link between the state, market and the public. The primary focus of these entities is to represent and express group interests. These CAD supports and seeks to strengthen the role of them in Food Security, Livelihoods, Education, WASH, HIV/AIDS, Malaria, Sexual Reproductive Health, Climate Change and Advocacy activities. This includes for CAD building their capacity to mobilize people and capacitate them, make them engage in our activities as project participants, train individuals, monitor activities, and network and collaborate with service providers and other stakeholders. We also seek to strengthen their capacity to dynamically engage in evidence-based advocacy, lobbying, collaboration and networking with other relevant organizations to address the social, economic and political issues that affect the targeted communities.